Tomorrow you will be able to play this well-received KBros production on all major mobile platforms, and yes we mean on Android devices too (FINALLY)!
One of the great things we do at Mokuni is help port and publish games into mobile platforms. One amazing great partnership* we have is with KBros Games (@KBrosGames), creator, developer and publisher great games including Albert & Otto, playable on your PC through Steam (copy-paste URL:!
Summer 2016, we successfully ported and published the game on the iOS platform, making it available on iTunes (copy-paste bit URL:
Now that we have it playable on Android phones as well, Albert & Otto is now officially playable anytime anywhere for the great premium price of $1.99!

To redirect to the Albert & Otto App store page, click the button above. Copy-paste URL below:
About the game:
Created, designed, and developed by Nikola Kostic of KBros (Twitter: @KbrosGames), Albert & Otto tells the story of a boy and a magical bunny who journey together and solve puzzles in order to get back what was taken from them. Traverse a haunting world set in 1939 Germany in search of a mysterious girl with rabbit ears. Utilize a little bunny in creative ways to solve puzzles. Levitate sheep, use them as torches or wolf bait and make your way through a land that seems to not fancy you being alive.
So Remember this icon of screaming sheep:
Download and enjoy!
*With regards to the Mokuni X Kbros partnership, Mokuni is responsible for the porting the PC version and publishing it onto the iOS and Android platform.
For any press inquiries about the game, please refer to the Albert & Otto press kit contact list (link) or you may copy-paste the URL address from below: